Multiple Listing Service |
If you are an active REALTOR® member of another association, you can choose to become a Secondary Member or MLS Only member of RLCAR and subscribe to RLCAR MLS.
If you are a REALTOR® and wish to participate in the MLS as a secondary member or MLS Only, please review the following requirements:
Must hold a current, valid New Mexico Real Estate License or be licensed in New Mexico to engage in the appraisal of real property.
Must be a primary member of a Board or Association of REALTORS® in the state of New Mexico or contiguous state.
Must hold primary MLS membership in a Board or Association of REALTORS® in the state of New Mexico or a contiguous state.
Designated REALTOR® (Qualifying Broker) must be an active RLCAR MLS Participant for additional brokers to subscribe.
Application requirements:
Submit a "Letter of Good Standing" from your Primary Association of REALTORS®. Include:
License number
NRDS number
Verification and completion date of NAR Code of Ethics
Verification that State and National dues have been paid
Contact the RLCAR office for the current fee schedule
For MLS only submit a completed and signed MLS Only Membership Application for both the Qualifying Broker and the Associate Broker requesting MLS Only membership.
For Secondary members your Qualifying Broker is not required to join for you to be a secondary member.
Provide copies of the following:
Broker's real estate of appraiser's license
Physical and mailing address, phone, and fax numbers for the office
Submit list of all other licensees under the Qualifying Broker that are in his/her Primary association that will be exempt from RLCAR MLS.
Submit payment for all required fees and dues for secondary membership.
Contact the association office at (575) 257-4750 regarding required fees and dues of membership.
MLS Only
MLS Only Participation does not convey Primary or Secondary membership in the Ruidoso/Lincoln County Association of REATLORS® (RLCAR) nor does it grant the participant the benefits, certain services or protection of REALTOR® membership.
As an MLS Only Participant, you may be eligible for the following services ONLY:
Access to the Flex MLS System
Access to use the Supra Lockbox/eKey System
You will NOT receive:
Protection, benefits or certain services provided to members of RLCAR.
Access to RLCAR provided free/reduced rate education.
Access to real estate contracts provided to members of the New Mexico Association of REALTORS®
No eligibility to vote or hold office in either the RLCAR or RLCAR~MLS Committee.
A licensee may join any REALTOR® Association they choose without their broker being a member at that association as a "secondary member".
An individual is a secondary member if they pay current state or national dues through another association or board. A Letter of Good Standing is required from your primary association or board. The New Member Code of Ethics class will be waived provided you have completed the NAR Code of Ethics class during the previous cycle (this must be stated in the Letter of Good Standing).
Secondary membership grants the member the benefits of primary membership along with certain services or protections of REALTOR® membership.